About Us
The official Back Yard Coop lifestyle design started with a pesky little rooster- "Don". We welcomed 4 adorable chicks home the spring of 2020 - "Blanch", "Sophia", "Rose" and "Dorothy". For the next several weeks those sweet little chickens would sleep, peep, eat... repeat! Like any other curious and cute baby chick, Dorothy made sure to stand out from the flock the minute she was settled into the newly designed "back yard coop". Dorothy was very confident expressing her thoughts with endless funny noises and soon felt the need to chase the other little chicks. Dorothy's spunky personality and random chick tendencies made us quickly realize "Dorothy" would soon become a beautiful ROOSTER- "Don".
Our spunky and outgoing "Don" inspired our brand's Rooster logo. To our family, Don represents that all individuals and families are unique and special in their own way.
It all started after we were facing layoffs from covid, we decided get the grands the little chicks from the story above. We also showed them how to plant & harvest a garden......BRINGING THEM HOME TO OUR ROOTS! Our Coop family is very important to us and continues to teach the foundation of hard work and strong values. So hence BACK YARD COOP APPAREL begun. Our mission is to show our little girls that they can do or be anything that they wish to be!! Please help us by supporting our back yard business & KEEPING IT SIMPLE!
We will always have new designs in the making INCLUDING HATS! Please check the website regularly for updated designs and products. Thank you so much for visiting!!